• Customer Name: EGIMUN
  • Category: Business Development
  • Date: 09/10/2020
  • Status: Completed
  • Demo Link:
  • Tags: Business Development, Website Development

Our collaboration with EGIMUN (El Gouna Model United Nations) exemplifies our commitment to empowering non-profit organizations in their initial phases. EGIMUN approached us seeking support across various domains, including business development and website creation. The project encompassed a range of services, from setting up a user-friendly WordPress website to providing complementary services and support for the organization’s first year.

Understanding EGIMUN’s preference for a user-friendly platform, we opted for WordPress to create a dynamic and accessible website. Our team not only set up the entire WordPress infrastructure but also played a crucial role in writing custom CSS and styling to ensure the website’s visual appeal aligned with EGIMUN’s mission and identity. The result was a responsive and visually engaging platform that facilitated seamless communication and information sharing.

Recognizing EGIMUN’s non-profit status, we went beyond conventional services by offering complementary support for the first year. This included ongoing assistance with website maintenance, technical support, and additional services aimed at bolstering EGIMUN’s operational capacity without imposing financial strain.

The EGIMUN project stands as a testament to our commitment to supporting non-profit organizations in their crucial early stages. The WordPress website not only provided a user-friendly interface but also served as a central hub for communication and information dissemination. The complementary services extended for the first year aimed to alleviate the organizational burden, allowing EGIMUN to focus on its mission of fostering international understanding and diplomacy through Model United Nations. This project exemplifies our dedication to leveraging technology and support services to empower organizations with noble causes.